I am currently a PhD student at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. in the CEDRIC LAB under the supervision of Samia Bouzefrane (Roc team, CEDRIC lab) and Vincent Audigier (MSDMA team, CEDRIC lab).

After a master internship on “Resilience against side-channel attacks on code-based cryptographic schemes” in the TAMIS team of Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique under the supervision of Annelie Heuser , Martino Borello and Tania RICHMOND , i received a Master degree in Mathematics of Cryptography and Communications from the University of Paris 8 in 2019.

The topic of my PhD thesis is ‘Exploring the Scope of Machine Learning using Homomorphic encryption under missing data in IoT/Cloud’

I am particularly interested in cybersecurity, Homomorphic encryption , machine learning, cryptography, post quantum cryptography, coding theory, cloud, virtualization and blockchain.